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Skiing with snowboard boots is not a new concept, and has been around in the Skiboard community for years. Jerry Feet offers an ejectable solution to skiing with snowboard boots. Unlike other existing soft-boot systems on the market, the inspiration for Jerry Feet is something else! is the online store for the first of it's kind, the Ski Binding Adapter(S.B.A.). SBAs are a pair of adapters, that allow you to mount snowboard bindings onto your skis, allowing you to ski using your snowboard boots!


Whether you're;

  • an individual participating in the growing sport of skiboarding

  • a casual intermediate or aging skier with only the desire to just cruise the slopes

  • a snowboarder who enjoys switching it up with skis

  • a ski instructor that spends most of the day coaching on the hill

  • or simply a skier with wide/flat feet, whom requires a non-painful alternative to ski boots

Jerry Feet has got you covered!

 Our SBAs are designed to provide you with the most cushiest skiing experience. Don't get discouraged by ski boots that don't suit your needs, consider switching to Jerry Feet S.B.A.s today!


The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly

Comments, Reviews, and News

Skate Boots on Skiboards!? A fun exclusive  Collab with Cameron Cox from Summit Skiboards and!

Watch the full Youtube video, as he experiments Skiboarding with Skate boots using Jerry Feet prototypes!


Follow our social media to keep up to date with this project lead by Cam, as we will continue experimenting with the concept this coming winter season!

Tune into Ski Rex Media, and listen to the PodCast coverage of Jerry Feet by Tim Meyer!

Produced by Tim Meyer

Image Credit by Ski Rex Media.

Click the link below to listen to the PodCast:


We are proud to announceme that our Ski Binding Adapters(SBAs) will now be available on Japan!

Skiboard Shop Only provides the best Skiboards and products from around the world!

Skiboard Shop is now taking Pre-Orders!

Click the link below to visit Skiboards Superstore:

We are proud to share the announcement that our Ski Binding Adapters(SBAs) will now be available on!

Skiboard Superstore has been the premiere provider of high quality skiboards, boots, bindings and accessories since 1996!

In their store, you will find the Technine Custom DS Snowboard Bindings, that will make a perfect pairing with our SBAs. Together, they will provide rigidity and performance, while also safely being ejectable from release bindings!

Click the link below to visit Skiboards Superstore:

Click the link below to

to check out the Technine CUstom DS Snowboard Bindings and pair it up

with Jerry Feet Ski Binding Adapters:

Don't forget to check out Skiboard Superstore's Mounting Instructions Youtube video Below!

Our online store is now officially open!


Enjoy the release of our 2nd Advert on YouTube, showcasing our new SBA-Model-02!

This is the model that will be released to the public. Please visit our store!


We appreciate everyone's support on our project!

An Article from the Netherlands covering Jerry Feet.

Written by Mike Muller

Image Credit by

Click the link below to read the full article:

Netherlands Article.jpg

With permission from J Skis, we're featuring their video that was published last season, in regards to the concept of skiing with snowboard boots!

Please note; their video is an APRIL FOOLS video by J Skis, and is not affiliated with Jerry Feet!



While most points were for giggles, some points actually resonates to certain demographics of skiers, such as walking around or ascending/descending stairs.

Since release of the video(with jokes aside), interest emerged and has revealed that there is actually genuine desire to ski with snowboard boots by a small group on the market.

One of the key takeaways from the video is that it is indeed possible to engage your edges and carve on your skis using snowboard boots and snowboard bindings! The only thing missing was to enable safe releases.

Image Credit by J Skis Youtube

(Content does not contain usage of Jerry Feet SBAs)

Click Below to watch their full April Fools video:

Click the link below to visit J Skis:

The first article online,

written about Jerry Feet!

(That we're aware of)

Written by Nolan Deck

Image Credit by Unofficial

Click the link below to read the full article:

We have officially launched our website!


Enjoy the release of our Advert on YouTube of our SBA-Model-01! Please be sure to Like, Comment, Share, and Subcribe. 


We appreciate everyone's support on our project!

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A huge thanks to all the Jerries(Skiers and Snowboarders alike) who came out tonight to participate in our Jerry-sesh on a virtual ski simulator!


Special thanks to Simtopia for allowing us to play with Jerry Feet on your ski simulator, the only ski & snowboard simulator in Calgary, Alberta!


We plan to make many future visits during the off season!

Please visit:

More to come!

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